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Elaboration of a common strategy for the competitiveness of European ports of the Mediterranean

As part of the European Commission's MED Programme the DEVELOP-MED project was conducted (2009-2011), which has as its objective the development of a common strategy for improving the competitiveness of the European Mediterranean area maritime system, through the development of connections between major ports and the TEN-T network.

The Lazio Region has been one of the project partners, through its Regional Mobility Agency, the AREMOL. CTL has partnered with AREMOL to studies of the project. Specifically, the analysis of the legal framework was conducted, aimed at defining guidelines for operators and institutions that have a function of supporting actions to the development of the port-area integration programs. The regulatory framework needed to ensure the implementation of priority scenarios and action plans at the local level has been identified, as well as aspects of the existing legal framework that hinder the implementation and actions to reduce the differences between the existing regulatory framework and the regulatory framework necessary. Its recommendations were therefore elaborated to implement the priority scenarios and action plans at the local level.

These recommendations have also considered financial, administrative, customs and environmental matters otherwise dealt with in the European legislation. The most relevant aspects included the port governance, accessibility and connections with the port hinterland.


Contacts: Dr. Andrea Campagna -